Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-16-2016
Find out how your style of parenting will affect your child Authoritarian Parenting Permissive Parenting Neglectful Parenting Authoritative Parenting
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-31-2016
How can you help your baby to feel safe with you & around others? Erik Erikson an influential Psychologist, spoke about 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. His first few stages is a great read for new mothers as they talk about child's psychological development. I am here to help you learn more about the first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, where you will understand how your consistent presence as a caregiver will help your child trust the world around him/her. Your baby either learns to Trust or Mistrust, depending upon your Consistency or…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-26-2016
5 ways to take care of your parents in their old age “Parents”, the word by itself brings about a number of emotions. We may fight with them all the time and may not agree with their decisions, but when someone else says something about them, we can get furious, possessive & extremely defensive. That is “our love” for them that speaks volumes. Some of us are blessed to have both our parents by our side during our growing up years. While we are growing up and trying to understand how…
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