Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-18-2016
Feeling lazy yet again? Does this statement, sound familiar?! So many of us, use this one line quite often as an excuse to bail ourselves out. I do feel that when we say I’ll go tomorrow, we sincerely do mean that we will go to the gym the next day, and then we are again tired, we have had a long day, it’s winter, its going to be a pain to get all the layers off, change into gym clothes, I want to go with my friends for coffee etc.…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-14-2016
Lost someone close to you? I learnt about Alan Rickman’s death recently, I have not known much about him, but having read all what people have to say about him, got me to read a lot more. While I was browsing through, I realized, death of a loved one is so difficult to deal with. I do not think that we ever get over the loss, but what we do is, that we try and re-adjust our lives, our relationships without that person around us. Only because, we do not…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-14-2016
Zainab Adil, is the name I can say, for me goes with my well being and for what I am today , before meeting her my life was a total mess , in-spite of seeking counselling help, I could not help myself in anyway ,there were issues with my relationships, low self-esteem , lack of confidence, Zainab's regular sessions, with her way of approach, her far sightedness, helped me develop my personality in a holistic way. It gave me an insight about how I get over my defence mechanisms and…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-13-2016
Zainab is innately blessed with a calm and composed persona which is ideal for a mentor/supervisor. When I was training to be a counselor, it was a privilege to be mentored by her and she was always available to all my queries as she takes her role as a mentor very seriously. The tips she shared so willingly by self disclosure added to my skills and kept me away from ills such as stress, transference etc. I find myself constantly looking back on her suggestions and corrections even to this…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-13-2016
I have always wondered how it is, to fight with someone so greatly, when you know that the person who you are fighting with, is the one who you love the most. Its painful to have these arguments almost on an everyday basis. You wish that something magical would happen and you could again start experiencing that same warmth and respect for your spouse that you once felt in those initial years of your togetherness. When two people start living in together, they are bound to have conflicts, but…
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