Posted By : Date : Zainab | 03-04-2016
How to be FAIR & NICE even while Fighting with your spouse? Why are you really upset about? Is it the bread that he/she had to buy, and it was not done or its the frustration of having to do everything by yourself? Make sure you know what you are arguing about. Be clear in what you are saying, if not the argument can go all over the place. 2. One issue at a time! Discussing one issue can move to talking about all the years in the past…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-25-2016
What can you do to help yourself? 1. Communicating is IMPORTANT, getting Possessive is harmful. Do not over-compensate the distance by suffocating each other. 2. Space will always help you enjoy the small things which are generally ignored when two people stay together. 3. Visit each other often. It is important to see each other. 4. Take advantage of the expanse of 'Technology' 5. Do not be Embarrassed about your needs. 6. Very important to Stay Positive. Positive thoughts with keep you healthy physically & emotionally. 7. 'Alone time'…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-21-2016
Winter Blues! What to do? Walking can be the most therapeutic experience. Make sure you wear multiple layers to keep yourself warm. Face it! to Beat it! 2. Be in gratitude for that little sun that you can experience. Take it all in. You will miss it when its not around. 3. Sleep enough! If not you will get moody. And the winter does not help at all. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep everyday. Finally, Remember, only you can help yourself!
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-21-2016
Angry? Upset? Depressed? Frustrated? Irritated?Anxious? Try This!
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-16-2016
Find out how your style of parenting will affect your child Authoritarian Parenting Permissive Parenting Neglectful Parenting Authoritative Parenting
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-10-2016
Finding It Difficult To Deal With The Change? Motherhood is not easy. It is a challenge. Each year approximately 950,000 women are suffering postpartum depression. It is ok to not be in the best of moods all the time. It is ok to not be perfect at all times. Being a Mother is a roller coaster of emotions. Nevertheless, what we need to be aware of is the term 'Postpartum Depression' that some woman go through during the first few years of Motherhood. It is important to be…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-09-2016
Friends can be so important in life! One of the Psychiatrists at Stanford University was talking about Mind - body connection, where he mentioned that the best thing a man can do for his health is to be married to a woman, where as what a woman can do for her well being is to nurture her relationship with her girlfriends. How interesting is that! So ladies... GirlFriend time, helps in increasing the Serotonin - a Neurotransmitter that helps combat Depression and can create…
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