Posted By : Date : Zainab | 03-04-2016
How to be FAIR & NICE even while Fighting with your spouse? Why are you really upset about? Is it the bread that he/she had to buy, and it was not done or its the frustration of having to do everything by yourself? Make sure you know what you are arguing about. Be clear in what you are saying, if not the argument can go all over the place. 2. One issue at a time! Discussing one issue can move to talking about all the years in the past…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-05-2016
"I care more about being close to you than I do about winning this argument." I happened to come across these beautiful lines today & I had to share them with you. I have always been this one person who has been fascinated by Relationships. May be that is exactly why I specialize in Marriage & Family Counselling. Relationships, is the only SUBJECT, that absorbs me & I can have unlimited conversations about it. People often ask me, are you not curious about anything else? & I quite bravely say…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-23-2016
Space Is The key To A Healthy Relationship We keep listening to the word ‘Space’ all the time. Do we know what it actually means? Why is it so important to give each other space in a relationship? Why is it that we get married or stay with each other under the same roof, if we have to give space to each other? Well, any relationship, whether you stay together or not, goes through its ups & downs. Challenges come and go, its about how we handle it. Issues…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-13-2016
I have always wondered how it is, to fight with someone so greatly, when you know that the person who you are fighting with, is the one who you love the most. Its painful to have these arguments almost on an everyday basis. You wish that something magical would happen and you could again start experiencing that same warmth and respect for your spouse that you once felt in those initial years of your togetherness. When two people start living in together, they are bound to have conflicts, but…
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