Posted By : Date : Zainab | 06-24-2020
If you are ready to embark on the beautiful journey of self-discovery, congratulations! You are taking a step towards self-improvement. Counselling A.K.A therapy could play a big role in that and that is why you are exploring the different options out there. Often times potential clients will reach out to understand what they should be expecting in therapy but also wonder how many therapy sessions they need. Here we will try to address that question for you. Self-discovery, as you might know, is a process to uncover, understand, and maybe…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-25-2016
What can you do to help yourself? 1. Communicating is IMPORTANT, getting Possessive is harmful. Do not over-compensate the distance by suffocating each other. 2. Space will always help you enjoy the small things which are generally ignored when two people stay together. 3. Visit each other often. It is important to see each other. 4. Take advantage of the expanse of 'Technology' 5. Do not be Embarrassed about your needs. 6. Very important to Stay Positive. Positive thoughts with keep you healthy physically & emotionally. 7. 'Alone time'…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-05-2016
My Vanity Kit! Problems are everywhere. There is no running away from them. So might as well let them be. Instead of worrying & thinking about them all the time. Lets do something different. You deserve to feel good! To be honest, for almost a week I found myself just lost. I think a part of me was missing home, I did find myself slipping into a zone of unhealthy thinking patterns. Did not want to engage in conversations, stopped exercising, eating all junk, asking myself a lot of…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-31-2016
How can you help your baby to feel safe with you & around others? Erik Erikson an influential Psychologist, spoke about 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. His first few stages is a great read for new mothers as they talk about child's psychological development. I am here to help you learn more about the first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, where you will understand how your consistent presence as a caregiver will help your child trust the world around him/her. Your baby either learns to Trust or Mistrust, depending upon your Consistency or…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-19-2016
How to get yourself back! I do my thing And you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I And if by chance we find each other, its beautiful if not, it cannot be helped. -Fritz pearls (1893-1970) Gestalt prayer. Harsh lines!? not the best thing to hear. But quite a reality. I have been a biggest fan of these lines,…
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