Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-25-2016
What can you do to help yourself? 1. Communicating is IMPORTANT, getting Possessive is harmful. Do not over-compensate the distance by suffocating each other. 2. Space will always help you enjoy the small things which are generally ignored when two people stay together. 3. Visit each other often. It is important to see each other. 4. Take advantage of the expanse of 'Technology' 5. Do not be Embarrassed about your needs. 6. Very important to Stay Positive. Positive thoughts with keep you healthy physically & emotionally. 7. 'Alone time'…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-21-2016
Winter Blues! What to do? Walking can be the most therapeutic experience. Make sure you wear multiple layers to keep yourself warm. Face it! to Beat it! 2. Be in gratitude for that little sun that you can experience. Take it all in. You will miss it when its not around. 3. Sleep enough! If not you will get moody. And the winter does not help at all. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep everyday. Finally, Remember, only you can help yourself!
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-31-2016
Don't Worry! Just moved out of a relationship? In a relationship, but its complicated? No time for relationships, but still want to be in one? Peer Pressure kills you? Confused between two or more? Scared to commit? You like someone, but that person is just not interested? or may be you would love to celebrate it, but your partner does not give this day any importance? Whatever the reason it may be... I am sure its tough to be in any of these positions! I am not…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-21-2016
2 quick ways to feeling happy! The best of the best people, who look very strong and have proved it time and again, fall short of their coping mechanisms. We all at some point in our life feel extremely low and want to bury ourselves in some remote place, never to be noticed again. Having said that, it is ok to not be happy all the time. I completely understand that we experience some troubling times in our life. It could be our job, spouse, family, children, parents or friends.…
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