Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-11-2016
Valentines- No big deal!? Listening to that quite often? Let me share something with you! I, consciously wanted to know what people think about 'Valentines Day.' I was amazed to not having found many people who were excited about it, especially 'COUPLES.' What they tell me is that you do not need a special day to tell someone how much you love them. That is true! My husband tells me that he loves me everyday. He does not reserve it for VALENTINES DAY & I love it. Makes me feel special everyday.…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-10-2016
Finding It Difficult To Deal With The Change? Motherhood is not easy. It is a challenge. Each year approximately 950,000 women are suffering postpartum depression. It is ok to not be in the best of moods all the time. It is ok to not be perfect at all times. Being a Mother is a roller coaster of emotions. Nevertheless, what we need to be aware of is the term 'Postpartum Depression' that some woman go through during the first few years of Motherhood. It is important to be…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-09-2016
Friends can be so important in life! One of the Psychiatrists at Stanford University was talking about Mind - body connection, where he mentioned that the best thing a man can do for his health is to be married to a woman, where as what a woman can do for her well being is to nurture her relationship with her girlfriends. How interesting is that! So ladies... GirlFriend time, helps in increasing the Serotonin - a Neurotransmitter that helps combat Depression and can create…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-05-2016
"I care more about being close to you than I do about winning this argument." I happened to come across these beautiful lines today & I had to share them with you. I have always been this one person who has been fascinated by Relationships. May be that is exactly why I specialize in Marriage & Family Counselling. Relationships, is the only SUBJECT, that absorbs me & I can have unlimited conversations about it. People often ask me, are you not curious about anything else? & I quite bravely say…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-05-2016
My Vanity Kit! Problems are everywhere. There is no running away from them. So might as well let them be. Instead of worrying & thinking about them all the time. Lets do something different. You deserve to feel good! To be honest, for almost a week I found myself just lost. I think a part of me was missing home, I did find myself slipping into a zone of unhealthy thinking patterns. Did not want to engage in conversations, stopped exercising, eating all junk, asking myself a lot of…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 02-03-2016
Autonomy versus Shame & Doubt(2-3 yrs) In my last blog, I spoke about Trust vs Mistrust, that is the 1st stage of Erik Erikson's theory of Psychosocial development, As promised, we are now moving on to the 2nd stage, that is Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (2-3 yrs), which will be very useful & informative for mothers who are noticing that their child is becoming independent and having their own preferences & choices now. This stage is significantly very important because they will now start to explore the world around him/her they…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-31-2016
How can you help your baby to feel safe with you & around others? Erik Erikson an influential Psychologist, spoke about 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. His first few stages is a great read for new mothers as they talk about child's psychological development. I am here to help you learn more about the first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, where you will understand how your consistent presence as a caregiver will help your child trust the world around him/her. Your baby either learns to Trust or Mistrust, depending upon your Consistency or…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-31-2016
Don't Worry! Just moved out of a relationship? In a relationship, but its complicated? No time for relationships, but still want to be in one? Peer Pressure kills you? Confused between two or more? Scared to commit? You like someone, but that person is just not interested? or may be you would love to celebrate it, but your partner does not give this day any importance? Whatever the reason it may be... I am sure its tough to be in any of these positions! I am not…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-27-2016
I did not succeed, I am a BIG FAT failure... Yes, this is what we keep telling ourselves all the time. What happens after that ? We play this one sentence in our minds like how we play our favourite song again & again. Can you imagine, what this could do to us? It becomes our reality! We believe that if we do not succeed, We are a total failure. If our marriage was not successful once, it will never be. If we do not get a few…
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