Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-27-2016
Letting go - How does one do this? I woke up to this one, 'If you love Batman, let him go, because Batman Returns.' What caught my attention is 'Let him Go' Imagine if we also looked at life and relationships just like this. Being able to decide what is right & wrong for us. Eventually moving on for something better. How many of us are able let go? How many of us are able to break the cycle of abuse? Letting go is the toughest thing to do, because we…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-26-2016
Miss being home? Don't feel belonged ? Simple things to keep in mind.. If you are missing home, then hats off to your parents, friends & your country who have loved you unconditionally that you are finding it difficult to live without them or get used a life of not having them around you. Parents, take a bow! Good news is that you are and will always be connected to them no matter which part of the world you are in. It is so ironic, when we are with them, we fail…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-26-2016
5 ways to take care of your parents in their old age “Parents”, the word by itself brings about a number of emotions. We may fight with them all the time and may not agree with their decisions, but when someone else says something about them, we can get furious, possessive & extremely defensive. That is “our love” for them that speaks volumes. Some of us are blessed to have both our parents by our side during our growing up years. While we are growing up and trying to understand how…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-23-2016
Space Is The key To A Healthy Relationship We keep listening to the word ‘Space’ all the time. Do we know what it actually means? Why is it so important to give each other space in a relationship? Why is it that we get married or stay with each other under the same roof, if we have to give space to each other? Well, any relationship, whether you stay together or not, goes through its ups & downs. Challenges come and go, its about how we handle it. Issues…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-22-2016
How to enjoy each day to the fullest. We all have challenges, strength lies in how we can manage to sail through them with a smile on our face. You will find a few very simple and easy things below that you could do to feel better, healthier & happier. Alone time with your cup of Tea! There is nothing like indulging yourself with that one cup of tea in the morning. This is the time to de-stress yourself & ponder over all your thoughts & feel fresh and energetic for your day…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-21-2016
2 quick ways to feeling happy! The best of the best people, who look very strong and have proved it time and again, fall short of their coping mechanisms. We all at some point in our life feel extremely low and want to bury ourselves in some remote place, never to be noticed again. Having said that, it is ok to not be happy all the time. I completely understand that we experience some troubling times in our life. It could be our job, spouse, family, children, parents or friends.…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-19-2016
How to get yourself back! I do my thing And you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I And if by chance we find each other, its beautiful if not, it cannot be helped. -Fritz pearls (1893-1970) Gestalt prayer. Harsh lines!? not the best thing to hear. But quite a reality. I have been a biggest fan of these lines,…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-18-2016
Feeling lazy yet again? Does this statement, sound familiar?! So many of us, use this one line quite often as an excuse to bail ourselves out. I do feel that when we say I’ll go tomorrow, we sincerely do mean that we will go to the gym the next day, and then we are again tired, we have had a long day, it’s winter, its going to be a pain to get all the layers off, change into gym clothes, I want to go with my friends for coffee etc.…
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Posted By : Date : Zainab | 01-14-2016
Lost someone close to you? I learnt about Alan Rickman’s death recently, I have not known much about him, but having read all what people have to say about him, got me to read a lot more. While I was browsing through, I realized, death of a loved one is so difficult to deal with. I do not think that we ever get over the loss, but what we do is, that we try and re-adjust our lives, our relationships without that person around us. Only because, we do not…
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